The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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The description of a csv for upload or download.

Field Type Description
separator STRING The delimiter to be used for separating entries in the resulting file. The default character ',' will be used if this is not provided by the caller. For tab-separated values use '\t'
quoteCharacter STRING The character to be used for quoted elements in the resulting file. The default character '"' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.
escapeCharacter STRING The escape character to be used for escaping a separator or quote in the resulting file. The default character '\\' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.
lineEnd STRING The line feed terminator to be used for the resulting file. The default value of '\n' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.
isFirstLineHeader BOOLEAN Is the first line a header? The default value of 'true' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.