The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

Download Open API Spec



JSON enum for the types of objects which can be migrated. NOTE: The order of this enumeration determines the migration order.

name description
PRINCIPAL TODO: Auto-generated description
GROUP_MEMBERS TODO: Auto-generated description
CREDENTIAL TODO: Auto-generated description
AUTHENTICATED_ON User authenticated date
PRINCIPAL_ALIAS TODO: Auto-generated description
NOTIFICATION_EMAIL TODO: Auto-generated description
USER_PROFILE TODO: Auto-generated description
STORAGE_LOCATION TODO: Auto-generated description
FILE_HANDLE TODO: Auto-generated description
MULTIPART_UPLOAD TODO: Auto-generated description
MULTIPART_UPLOAD_PART_STATE TODO: Auto-generated description
MESSAGE_CONTENT TODO: Auto-generated description
MESSAGE_TO_USER TODO: Auto-generated description
MESSAGE_RECIPIENT TODO: Auto-generated description
MESSAGE_STATUS TODO: Auto-generated description
COMMENT TODO: Auto-generated description
V2_WIKI_PAGE TODO: Auto-generated description
V2_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_RESERVATION TODO: Auto-generated description
V2_WIKI_MARKDOWN TODO: Auto-generated description
V2_WIKI_OWNERS TODO: Auto-generated description
ACTIVITY TODO: Auto-generated description
NODE TODO: Auto-generated description
NODE_REVISION TODO: Auto-generated description
NODE_ACCESS_REQUIRMENT TODO: Auto-generated description
DOCKER_REPOSITORY_NAME TODO: Auto-generated description
DOCKER_COMMIT TODO: Auto-generated description
TEAM TODO: Auto-generated description
EVALUATION TODO: Auto-generated description
EVALUATION_ROUND Rounds defined within a specific Evaluation
EVALUATION_SUBMISSIONS TODO: Auto-generated description
SUBMISSION TODO: Auto-generated description
SUBMISSION_CONTRIBUTOR TODO: Auto-generated description
SUBMISSION_FILE TODO: Auto-generated description
SUBMISSION_STATUS TODO: Auto-generated description
PROJECT_SETTINGS TODO: Auto-generated description
PROJECT_STATS TODO: Auto-generated description
ACCESS_REQUIREMENT TODO: Auto-generated description
ACCESS_REQUIREMENT_REVISION TODO: Auto-generated description
ACCESS_APPROVAL TODO: Auto-generated description
ACL TODO: Auto-generated description
ACL_ACCESS TODO: Auto-generated description
ACL_ACCESS_TYPE TODO: Auto-generated description
FAVORITE TODO: Auto-generated description
TRASH_CAN TODO: Auto-generated description
DOI TODO: Auto-generated description
CHALLENGE TODO: Auto-generated description
CHALLENGE_TEAM TODO: Auto-generated description
COLUMN_MODEL TODO: Auto-generated description
BOUND_COLUMN_OWNER Primary table for all table to column binding.
BOUND_COLUMN_ORDINAL Tracks the binding of columns to tables.
TABLE_TRANSACTION Tracks all table transactions.
TABLE_TRANSACTION_TO_VERSION Links a table transaction to a table version.
TABLE_SEQUENCE TODO: Auto-generated description
TABLE_CHANGE TODO: Auto-generated description
QUIZ_RESPONSE TODO: Auto-generated description
VERIFICATION_SUBMISSION TODO: Auto-generated description
VERIFICATION_STATE TODO: Auto-generated description
VERIFICATION_FILE TODO: Auto-generated description
FORUM TODO: Auto-generated description
DISCUSSION_THREAD TODO: Auto-generated description
DISCUSSION_THREAD_VIEW TODO: Auto-generated description
DISCUSSION_REPLY TODO: Auto-generated description
SUBSCRIPTION TODO: Auto-generated description
BROADCAST_MESSAGE TODO: Auto-generated description
VIEW_TYPE TODO: Auto-generated description
VIEW_SCOPE TODO: Auto-generated description
VIEW_SNAPSHOT Table of metadata about view snapshots.
THROTTLE_RULE TODO: Auto-generated description
RESEARCH_PROJECT TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_REQUEST TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_SUBMISSION TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_SUBMISSION_STATUS TODO: Auto-generated description
DATA_ACCESS_SUBMISSION_ACCESSOR_CHANGE The list of accessor changes for a data access submission
DATA_ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS Data access revocation and renewal notifications
FORM_GROUP Grouping of form data.
FORM_DATA Form data.
ORGANIZATION Organization is the base for all user-defined json-schemas.
JSON_SCHEMA Base of user defined JSON-schemas.
JSON_SCHEMA_BLOB Storage of the raw JSON blobs.
JSON_SCHEMA_VERSION Specific version of user-defined JSON-schemas.
JSON_SCHEMA_LATEST_VERSION Tracks the latest version of a schema
JSON_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY Version dependencies of user-defined JSON-schemas.
JSON_SCHEMA_OBJECT_BINDING Binds JSON-schemas to objects
DOWNLOAD_LIST deprecated
DOWNLOAD_LIST_2 The root object for a user's download list.
DOWNLOAD_LIST_ITEM_2 The items of a user's download list.
DATA_TYPE TODO: Auto-generated description
OAUTH_SECTOR_IDENTIFIER Parameters for an Oauth/OIDC Sector Identifier
OAUTH_CLIENT Metadata for an Oauth client
OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN Hash and metadata of a refresh token issued to an OAuth client
OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN Data of an access token issued to a user or oauth client
PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN Metadata for user-issued access tokens
AUTHORIZATION_GRANT Record of user grant of OAuth authorization
SES_NOTIFICATIONS Bounce and Complaint notifications received from SES
QUARANTINED_EMAILS Email addresses that are quarantined and emails are not sent to
FEATURE_STATUS List of features that can be enabled/disabled
MATERIALIZED_VIEW_ID Primary table for the materialized view nodes
MATERIALIZED_VIEW_SOURCE_TABLE Secondary table tha maps the materialized views to their bound source tables
PRINCIPAL_OIDC_BINDING Table that maps a user to a bound OIDC provider identity
OTP_SECRET Table that stores otp user secrets
OTP_RECOVERY_CODE Table that stores recovery codes for active otp secrets
TWO_FA_STATUS Table to keep track of the 2FA status for the users
WEBHOOK Table that stores Webhooks for users
WEBHOOK_VERIFICATION Table that stores Webhooks verification data
WEBHOOK_ALLOWED_DOMAIN Table that stores allowed domain patterns for webhook endpoints
AGENT_REGISTRATION Agent registration information.
AGENT_SESSION Table that stores user's agent sessions
TOS_REQUIREMENTS Table that stores the TOS requirements
TOS_AGREEMENT Table that stores the TOS agreements
PROJECT_STORAGE_DATA Table that stores project storage information
PROJECT_STORAGE_LIMIT Table that stores project storage limits
CHANGE TODO: Auto-generated description