JSON schema for a message to another user
Field | Type | Description |
id | STRING | The unique identifier of the message or comment |
createdBy | STRING | The unique identifier of the sender of this message |
fileHandleId | STRING | The S3 file handle storing the body of this message. Note: The file's mime type should be 'text/plain' or 'text/html'. If no character encoding is specified, then UTF-8 is assumed. |
createdOn | STRING | When this message was created |
recipients | SET<STRING> | The unique identifiers of the intended recipients of a message |
subject | STRING | Topic of this message. Optional |
inReplyTo | STRING | The unique identifier of the message being replied to. Can be null |
inReplyToRoot | STRING | The unique identifier of the root message being replied to |
notificationUnsubscribeEndpoint | STRING | the portal prefix for one-click email unsubscription. A signed, serialized token is appended to create the complete URL. If omitted, the default endpoint will be used. |
userProfileSettingEndpoint | STRING | the portal link to user profile setting page. If omitted, the default endpoint will be used. |
withUnsubscribeLink | BOOLEAN | should the unsubscribe link be included in the email? |
withProfileSettingLink | BOOLEAN | should the user profile setting link be included in the email? |
isNotificationMessage | BOOLEAN | A notification message is sent from a noreply email address, delivery failures are not sent back to the sender |
to | STRING | The email addresses in the 'to' field of the email message |
cc | STRING | The email addresses in the 'cc' field of the email message |
bcc | STRING | The email addresses in the 'bcc' field of the email message |