The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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JSON schema for a message to another user

Field Type Description
id STRING The unique identifier of the message or comment
createdBy STRING The unique identifier of the sender of this message
fileHandleId STRING The S3 file handle storing the body of this message. Note: The file's mime type should be 'text/plain' or 'text/html'. If no character encoding is specified, then UTF-8 is assumed.
createdOn STRING When this message was created
recipients SET<STRING> The unique identifiers of the intended recipients of a message
subject STRING Topic of this message. Optional
inReplyTo STRING The unique identifier of the message being replied to. Can be null
inReplyToRoot STRING The unique identifier of the root message being replied to
notificationUnsubscribeEndpoint STRING the portal prefix for one-click email unsubscription. A signed, serialized token is appended to create the complete URL. If omitted, the default endpoint will be used.
userProfileSettingEndpoint STRING the portal link to user profile setting page. If omitted, the default endpoint will be used.
withUnsubscribeLink BOOLEAN should the unsubscribe link be included in the email?
withProfileSettingLink BOOLEAN should the user profile setting link be included in the email?
isNotificationMessage BOOLEAN A notification message is sent from a noreply email address, delivery failures are not sent back to the sender
to STRING The email addresses in the 'to' field of the email message
cc STRING The email addresses in the 'cc' field of the email message
bcc STRING The email addresses in the 'bcc' field of the email message