Represents a file stored in an S3 Bucket to which Synapse cannot access. Together with ExternalObjectStorageLocationSetting, this object provides the information the client requires to access the S3 file.
Field | Type | Description |
id | STRING | The ID of this FileHandle. All references to this FileHandle will use this ID. Synapse will generate this ID when the FileHandle is created. |
etag | STRING | FileHandles are immutable from the perspective of the API. The only field that can be change is the previewId. When a new previewId is set, the etag will change. |
createdBy | STRING | The ID Of the user that created this file. |
createdOn | STRING | The date when this file was uploaded. |
modifiedOn | STRING | The date when the file was modified. This is handled by the backend and cannot be modified. |
concreteType | STRING | This is used to indicate the implementation of this interface. For example, an S3FileHandle should be set to: org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.file.S3FileHandle |
contentType | STRING | Must be: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type |
contentMd5 | STRING | The file's content MD5. |
fileName | STRING | The short, user visible name for this file. |
storageLocationId | INTEGER | The optional storage location descriptor |
contentSize | INTEGER | The size of the file in bytes. |
status | FileHandleStatus | The status of the file handle as computed by the backend. This value cannot be changed, any file handle that is not AVAILABLE should not be used. |
endpointUrl | STRING | endpoint URL of the S3 service. Do NOT set this value when creating a ExternalObjectStoreFileHandle since it will be overwritten with the value defined in the ExternalObjectStorageLocationSetting it references. |
bucket | STRING | the bucket to use. Do NOT set this value when creating a ExternalObjectStoreFileHandle since it will be it will be overwritten with the value defined in the ExternalObjectStorageLocationSetting it references. |
fileKey | STRING | The unique S3 key for this object |