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The Thread model object represents a single Thread.

Field Type Description
id STRING The ID of the Thread
forumId STRING The ID of the forum this Thread belongs to
projectId STRING The ID of the project this Thread belongs to
title STRING The title of the Thread
createdOn STRING The timestamp when this Thread was created
createdBy STRING The id of the user that created this Thread
modifiedOn STRING The timestamp when this Thread was last modified
etag STRING Synapse employs an Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) scheme to handle concurrent updates. Since the E-Tag changes every time an entity is updated it is used to detect when a client's current representation of an entity is out-of-date.
messageKey STRING The S3 key where the actual message stored
numberOfViews INTEGER The number of unique users who has viewed this thread
numberOfReplies INTEGER The number of replies to this thread
lastActivity STRING The timestamp when the last activity occurs on this Thread
activeAuthors ARRAY<STRING> The list of userId whose most active on this Thread
isEdited BOOLEAN Has the author edited this Thread?
isDeleted BOOLEAN Has this Thread been deleted?
isPinned BOOLEAN Has this Thread been pinned?