JSON schema for UserProfile POJO
Field | Type | Description |
ownerId | STRING | A foreign key to the ID of the 'principal' object for the user. |
etag | STRING | Synapse employs an Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) scheme to handle concurrent updates. Since the E-Tag changes every time an entity is updated it is used to detect when a client's current representation of an entity is out-of-date. |
firstName | STRING | This person's given name (forename) |
lastName | STRING | This person's family name (surname) |
STRING | This is deprecated as users can have more than one email. See emails | |
emails | ARRAY<STRING> | The list of user email addresses registered to this user. |
openIds | ARRAY<STRING> | The list of OpenIds bound to this user's account. |
userName | STRING | A name chosen by the user that uniquely identifies them. |
displayName | STRING | This field is deprecated and will always be null. |
rStudioUrl | STRING | URL for RStudio server assigned to the user |
summary | STRING | A summary description about this person |
position | STRING | This person's current position title |
location | STRING | This person's location |
industry | STRING | The industry/discipline that this person is associated with |
company | STRING | This person's current affiliation |
profilePicureFileHandleId | STRING | The File Handle id of the user's profile picture |
url | STRING | A link to more information about this person |
teamName | STRING | This person's default team name |
notificationSettings | Settings | Contains a user's notification settings |
preferences | SET<UserPreference> | |
createdOn | STRING | The date this profile was created. |
twoFactorAuthEnabled | BOOLEAN | Flag that indicates if the user has two factor authentication enabled. |