The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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JSON schema for the possible status of a User with respect to Team membership.

Field Type Description
teamId STRING The id of the Team.
userId STRING The principal id of the user.
isMember BOOLEAN true if and only if the user is a member of the team
hasOpenInvitation BOOLEAN true if and only if the user has an open invitation to join the team
hasOpenRequest BOOLEAN true if and only if the user has an open request to join the team
canJoin BOOLEAN true if and only if the user requesting this status information can join the user to the team
membershipApprovalRequired BOOLEAN true if and only if team admin approval is required for the user to join the team
hasUnmetAccessRequirement BOOLEAN true if and only if there is at least one unmet access requirement for the user on the team
canSendEmail BOOLEAN true if and only if the user can send an email to the team