This object is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Synapse.
Field | Type | Description |
name | STRING | The name of this entity. Must be 256 characters or less. Names may only contain: letters, numbers, spaces, underscores, hyphens, periods, plus signs, apostrophes, and parentheses |
description | STRING | The description of this entity. Must be 1000 characters or less. |
id | STRING | The unique immutable ID for this entity. A new ID will be generated for new Entities. Once issued, this ID is guaranteed to never change or be re-issued |
etag | STRING | Synapse employs an Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) scheme to handle concurrent updates. Since the E-Tag changes every time an entity is updated it is used to detect when a client's current representation of an entity is out-of-date. |
createdOn | STRING | The date this entity was created. |
modifiedOn | STRING | The date this entity was last modified. |
createdBy | STRING | The ID of the user that created this entity. |
modifiedBy | STRING | The ID of the user that last modified this entity. |
parentId | STRING | The ID of the Entity that is the parent of this Entity. |
concreteType | STRING | Indicates which implementation of Entity this object represents. The value is the fully qualified class name, e.g. org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity. |
singleString | STRING | This is an example of a single string |
stringList | ARRAY<STRING> | This is an example of a list of strings |
singleDate | STRING | This is an example of a single date |
dateList | ARRAY<STRING> | This is an example of a list of dates |
singleDouble | NUMBER | This is an example of a single Double |
doubleList | ARRAY<NUMBER> | This is an example of a double list |
singleInteger | INTEGER | This is an example of a single Integer |
integerList | ARRAY<INTEGER> | This is an example of an Integer List. |
concept | STRING | Type of tissue for the samples in this layer. |
someEnum | pets | The property is constrained by an enumeration |
references | SET<Reference> | References |
environmentDescriptors | SET<EnvironmentDescriptor> | The list of environment descriptors |