The Open API specification for Synapse is now available for download!

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POST /entity

Create a new Entity. This method is used to create Projects, Folders, File Entities, etc. The passed request body should contain the following fields:

  • name - Give your new entity a Name. Note: A name must be unique within the given parent, similar to a file in a folder.
  • parentId - The ID of the parent Entity, such as a Folder or Project. This field should be excluded when creating a Project.
  • concreteType - Indicates the type of Entity to create. The value should be the entity's fully qualified class name, e.g. org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.FileEntity.

Note: To create an Entity the caller must be granted the ACCESS_TYPE.CREATE on the parent Entity. Any authenticated caller can create a new Project (with parentId=null).

Service Limits

resource limit
The maximum number of children for a single parent entity 10 K

Resource URL



To track the Provenance of an Entity create, include the ID of the Activity that was created to track the change. For more information see: POST /activity. You must be the creator of the Activity used here.
Resource Information
Authentication Required
Required OAuth Scopes view , modify
Request Object Entity
Response Object Entity